Collection of full-text theses and dissertations from McGill University.
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Works (53685)
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Cultural safety in medical education: transformative learning through co-designing serious games in Colombia
1 of 10
Playing the city: contemporary Shibuya and its digital worlds
2 of 10
Identification and functional characterization of genes conferring resistance to Fusarium head blight, underlying QTL-Fhb1, based on forward and reverse genetics approach
3 of 10
Discovering biophysical principles in latent space representations of immune recognition
4 of 10
The refractive index of single aerosol particles: measurements and models
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Optimized planning for a multiple space debris removal mission
6 of 10
Characterizing the quark gluon plasma using soft thermal fluctuations and hard parton interactions
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Studies on mass culturing of Paranguina picridis Kirjanova and Ivanova, and its host-parasite relationship with Acroptilon repens (L.)DC. (Russian knapweed)
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Heat transfer enhancement under a turbulent impinging slot jet
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Genetic risk factors of childhood onset schizophrenia